Caution To The Fact Behind Dysmenorrhea
Dysmenorrhea , the medical term used to define the occurrence of periods pain and cramps during menstruation. It is a common ailment amongst all girls and women who menstruate. However, always remember that periods are normal but excessive period pain is not normal. The period pain can be described as a dull or throbbing pain that occurs in the lower mid-abdomen, moving towards the lower back and thighs. The pain can be present in any woman irrespective of age. The intensity of the pain, however, differs. For a few, it is a slight pain in very mild form but, for many, it is very significant discomfort and pain that stops them from doing their daily activities like going to school, office or even getting out of bed. Causes of Dysmenorrhea - Dysmenorrhea is basically divided into two categories: primary and secondary. It is observed to be due to the following for the reasons as follows: Primary dysmenorrhea when there is no specific abnormality It occurs due to prosta...