How To Get Fast And Quick Relief From period cramps?

Menstruation cramps take a toll on every woman’s health at some point. While period cramps are not diagnosed as an alarming health condition, they do act as a hindrance to the effective functioning of your routine.

Here are some fast and quick relieving solutions that can provide comfort during menstruation:

By rubbing oil - 
According to Medicinal research and study, fish oils are highly effective to get fast and quick relief from period cramps. Apart from fish oil, lavender and sesame have proven to soothe menstruation pains as well. One must apply oil on their belly and rub it as they would massage themselves to relieve period cramps.

Application of heat - 
Heat acts as a catalyst in increasing blood flow.  If one is at a loss to rest with period cramps then retorting to heating pads and applying warm-warm bottles on your belly can help one get fast and quick relief from period cramps. The heat directed will extend the blood flow to the area which will begin to relax the contracting muscles diverting the pain.

Light workout - 
It is understandable to avoid any physical pursuits while affected by menstruation cramps. However, the better alternative is to indulge in casual exercises which will enable circulation and loosening of muscles. Endorphins are responsible for good feelings; these endorphins are produced more when one indulges in aerobics or stretching.

Adequate hydration - 
Consuming a sufficient amount of water increases your blood flow which in turn helps soothe period cramps. A common myth regarding menstruation is that tea and coffee act as a fast and quick relief from period cramps. However, caffeine constricts blood vessels and further increases tension. The better alternative to retort for fast and quick relief from period cramps is by consuming lukewarm/ hot water at regular intervals.


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